Default theme implementations

Pager pieces

Use these pieces to construct your own custom pagers in your theme. Note that you should NOT modify this file to customize your pager.

 theme_pager_first ($text, $limit, $element=0, $parameters=array())
 theme_pager_previous ($text, $limit, $element=0, $interval=1, $parameters=array())
 theme_pager_next ($text, $limit, $element=0, $interval=1, $parameters=array())
 theme_pager_last ($text, $limit, $element=0, $parameters=array())
 theme_pager_link ($text, $page_new, $element, $parameters=array(), $attributes=array())


 theme_select ($element)
 theme_fieldset ($element)
 theme_radio ($element)
 theme_radios ($element)
 theme_password_confirm ($element)
 theme_date ($element)
 theme_item ($element)
 theme_checkbox ($element)
 theme_checkboxes ($element)
 theme_submit ($element)
 theme_button ($element)
 theme_image_button ($element)
 theme_hidden ($element)
 theme_token ($element)
 theme_textfield ($element)
 theme_form ($element)
 theme_textarea ($element)
 theme_markup ($element)
 theme_password ($element)
 theme_file ($element)
 theme_form_element ($element, $value)
 theme_locale_languages_overview_form ($form)
 theme_menu_item_link ($link)
 theme_menu_tree ($tree)
 theme_menu_item ($link, $has_children, $menu= '', $in_active_trail=FALSE, $extra_class=NULL)
 theme_menu_local_task ($link, $active=FALSE)
 theme_menu_local_tasks ()
 theme_pager ($tags=array(), $limit=10, $element=0, $parameters=array(), $quantity=9)
 theme_placeholder ($text)
 theme_status_messages ($display=NULL)
 theme_links ($links, $attributes=array('class'=> 'links'))
 theme_image ($path, $alt= '', $title= '', $attributes=NULL, $getsize=TRUE)
 theme_breadcrumb ($breadcrumb)
 theme_help ()
 theme_submenu ($links)
 theme_table ($header, $rows, $attributes=array(), $caption=NULL, $colgroups=array())
 theme_table_select_header_cell ()
 theme_tablesort_indicator ($style)
 theme_box ($title, $content, $region= 'main')
 theme_mark ($type=MARK_NEW)
 theme_item_list ($items=array(), $title=NULL, $type= 'ul', $attributes=NULL)
 theme_more_help_link ($url)
 theme_xml_icon ($url)
 theme_feed_icon ($url, $title)
 theme_more_link ($url, $title)
 theme_closure ($main=0)
 theme_blocks ($region)
 theme_username ($object)
 theme_progress_bar ($percent, $message)
 theme_indentation ($size=1)
 theme_task_list ($items, $active=NULL)
 theme_aggregator_categorize_items ($form)
 theme_aggregator_page_rss ($feeds, $category=NULL)
 theme_aggregator_page_opml ($feeds)
 theme_book_admin_table ($form)
 theme_comment_admin_overview ($form)
 theme_filter_admin_overview ($form)
 theme_filter_admin_order ($form)
 theme_filter_tips ($tips, $long=FALSE, $extra= '')
 theme_menu_overview_form ($form)
 theme_node_filter_form ($form)
 theme_node_filters ($form)
 theme_node_admin_nodes ($form)
 theme_node_add_list ($content)
 theme_node_form ($form)
 theme_node_preview ($node)
 theme_profile_admin_overview ($form)
 theme_admin_block ($block)
 theme_admin_block_content ($content)
 theme_admin_page ($blocks)
 theme_system_admin_by_module ($menu_items)
 theme_status_report (&$requirements)
 theme_system_modules ($form)
 theme_system_modules_uninstall ($form)
 theme_system_theme_select_form ($form)
 theme_system_themes_form ($form)
 theme_taxonomy_overview_vocabularies ($form)
 theme_taxonomy_overview_terms ($form)
 theme_taxonomy_term_page ($tids, $result)
 theme_trigger_display ($element)
 theme_update_report ($data)
 theme_update_version ($version, $tag, $class)
 theme_user_admin_perm ($form)
 theme_user_admin_account ($form)
 theme_user_admin_new_role ($form)
 theme_user_filter_form ($form)
 theme_user_filters ($form)

Detailed Description

Functions and templates that present output to the user, and can be implemented by themes.

Drupal's presentation layer is a pluggable system known as the theme layer. Each theme can take control over most of Drupal's output, and has complete control over the CSS.

Inside Drupal, the theme layer is utilized by the use of the theme() function, which is passed the name of a component (the theme hook) and several arguments. For example, theme('table', $header, $rows); Additionally, the theme() function can take an array of theme hooks, which can be used to provide 'fallback' implementations to allow for more specific control of output. For example, the function: theme(array('table__foo', 'table'), $header, $rows) would look to see if 'table__foo' is registered anywhere; if it is not, it would 'fall back' to the generic 'table' implementation. This can be used to attach specific theme functions to named objects, allowing the themer more control over specific types of output.

As of Drupal 6, every theme hook is required to be registered by the module that owns it, so that Drupal can tell what to do with it and to make it simple for themes to identify and override the behavior for these calls.

The theme hooks are registered via hook_theme(), which returns an array of arrays with information about the hook. It describes the arguments the function or template will need, and provides defaults for the template in case they are not filled in. If the default implementation is a function, by convention it is named theme_HOOK().

Each module should provide a default implementation for themes that it registers. This implementation may be either a function or a template; if it is a function it must be specified via hook_theme(). By convention, default implementations of theme hooks are named theme_HOOK. Default template implementations are stored in the module directory.

Drupal's default template renderer is a simple PHP parsing engine that includes the template and stores the output. Drupal's theme engines can provide alternate template engines, such as XTemplate, Smarty and PHPTal. The most common template engine is PHPTemplate (included with Drupal and implemented in phptemplate.engine, which uses Drupal's default template renderer.

In order to create theme-specific implementations of these hooks, themes can implement their own version of theme hooks, either as functions or templates. These implementations will be used instead of the default implementation. If using a pure .theme without an engine, the .theme is required to implement its own version of hook_theme() to tell Drupal what it is implementing; themes utilizing an engine will have their well-named theming functions automatically registered for them. While this can vary based upon the theme engine, the standard set by phptemplate is that theme functions should be named either phptemplate_HOOK or THEMENAME_HOOK. For example, for Drupal's default theme (Garland) to implement the 'table' hook, the phptemplate.engine would find phptemplate_table() or garland_table(). The ENGINE_HOOK() syntax is preferred, as this can be used by sub-themes (which are themes that share code but use different stylesheets).

The theme system is described and defined in

See also:


Function Documentation

theme_admin_block ( block  ) 

This function formats an administrative block for display.

$block An array containing information about the block. It should include a 'title', a 'description' and a formatted 'content'.

Definition at line 1885 of file

References $output, and content.

theme_admin_block_content ( content  ) 

This function formats the content of an administrative block.

$block An array containing information about the block. It should include a 'title', a 'description' and a formatted 'content'.

Definition at line 1915 of file

References $content, $output, and l().

Here is the call graph for this function:

theme_admin_page ( blocks  ) 

This function formats an administrative page for viewing.

$blocks An array of blocks to display. Each array should include a 'title', a 'description', a formatted 'content' and a 'position' which will control which container it will be in. This is usually 'left' or 'right'.

Definition at line 1948 of file

References $output, and theme().

Here is the call graph for this function:

theme_aggregator_categorize_items ( form  ) 

Theme the page list form for assigning categories.

$form An associative array containing the structure of the form.
The output HTML.

Definition at line 221 of file

References $output, drupal_render(), element_children(), t(), and theme().

Here is the call graph for this function:

theme_aggregator_page_opml ( feeds  ) 

Theme the OPML feed output.

$feeds An array of the feeds to theme.

Definition at line 426 of file

References $output, check_plain(), check_url(), drupal_set_header(), print, url(), and variable_get().

Here is the call graph for this function:

theme_aggregator_page_rss ( feeds,
category = NULL 

Theme the RSS output.

$feeds An array of the feeds to theme.
$category A common category, if any, for all the feeds.

Definition at line 362 of file

References $output, $site_name, $url, check_url(), drupal_set_header(), format_rss_channel(), format_rss_item(), link, print, t(), url(), and variable_get().

Here is the call graph for this function:

theme_blocks ( region  ) 

Return a set of blocks available for the current user.

$region Which set of blocks to retrieve.
A string containing the themed blocks for this region.

Definition at line 1598 of file

References $output, drupal_get_content(), and theme().

Here is the call graph for this function:

theme_book_admin_table ( form  ) 

Theme function for the book administration page form.

See also:

Definition at line 195 of file

References $header, $row, drupal_add_tabledrag(), drupal_get_destination(), drupal_render(), element_children(), l(), t(), and theme().

Here is the call graph for this function:

theme_box ( title,
region = 'main' 

Return a themed box.

$title The subject of the box.
$content The content of the box.
$region The region in which the box is displayed.
A string containing the box output.

Definition at line 1438 of file

References $content, $output, and $title.

theme_breadcrumb ( breadcrumb  ) 

Return a themed breadcrumb trail.

$breadcrumb An array containing the breadcrumb links.
a string containing the breadcrumb output.

Definition at line 1183 of file

theme_button ( element  ) 

Theme a form button.

Definition at line 1925 of file

References check_plain(), and drupal_attributes().

Here is the call graph for this function:

theme_checkbox ( element  ) 

Format a checkbox.

$element An associative array containing the properties of the element. Properties used: title, value, return_value, description, required
A themed HTML string representing the checkbox.

Definition at line 1852 of file

References _form_set_class(), drupal_attributes(), and theme().

Here is the call graph for this function:

theme_checkboxes ( element  ) 

Format a set of checkboxes.

$element An associative array containing the properties of the element.
A themed HTML string representing the checkbox set.

Definition at line 1880 of file

References theme().

Here is the call graph for this function:

theme_closure ( main = 0  ) 

Execute hook_footer() which is run at the end of the page right before the close of the body tag.

$main (optional) Whether the current page is the front page of the site.
A string containing the results of the hook_footer() calls.

Definition at line 1585 of file

References drupal_get_js(), and module_invoke_all().

Here is the call graph for this function:

theme_comment_admin_overview ( form  ) 

Theme the comment admin form.

$form An associative array containing the structure of the form.

Definition at line 153 of file

References $output, $row, drupal_render(), element_children(), t(), and theme().

Here is the call graph for this function:

theme_date ( element  ) 

Format a date selection element.

$element An associative array containing the properties of the element. Properties used: title, value, options, description, required and attributes.
A themed HTML string representing the date selection boxes.

Definition at line 1637 of file

References theme().

Here is the call graph for this function:

theme_feed_icon ( url,

Return code that emits an feed icon.

$url The url of the feed.
$title A descriptive title of the feed.

Definition at line 1558 of file

References $title, $url, check_url(), t(), and theme().

Here is the call graph for this function:

theme_fieldset ( element  ) 

Format a group of form items.

$element An associative array containing the properties of the element. Properties used: attributes, title, value, description, children, collapsible, collapsed
A themed HTML string representing the form item group.

Definition at line 1489 of file

References drupal_add_js(), and drupal_attributes().

Here is the call graph for this function:

theme_file ( element  ) 

Format a file upload field.

$title The label for the file upload field.
$name The internal name used to refer to the field.
$size A measure of the visible size of the field (passed directly to HTML).
$description Explanatory text to display after the form item.
$required Whether the user must upload a file to the field.
A themed HTML string representing the field.
For assistance with handling the uploaded file correctly, see the API provided by

Definition at line 2145 of file

References _form_set_class(), drupal_attributes(), and theme().

Here is the call graph for this function:

theme_filter_admin_order ( form  ) 

Theme filter order configuration form.

Definition at line 377 of file

References $header, $output, drupal_add_tabledrag(), drupal_render(), element_children(), t(), and theme().

Here is the call graph for this function:

theme_filter_admin_overview ( form  ) 

Theme the admin overview form.

Definition at line 64 of file

References $header, $output, check_plain(), drupal_add_tabledrag(), drupal_render(), t(), and theme().

Here is the call graph for this function:

theme_filter_tips ( tips,
long = FALSE,
extra = '' 

Format a set of filter tips.

Definition at line 30 of file

References $name, $output, and t().

Here is the call graph for this function:

theme_form ( element  ) 

Format a form.

$element An associative array containing the properties of the element. Properties used: action, method, attributes, children
A themed HTML string representing the form.

Definition at line 2033 of file

References check_url(), and drupal_attributes().

Here is the call graph for this function:

theme_form_element ( element,

Return a themed form element.

element An associative array containing the properties of the element. Properties used: title, description, id, required
$value The form element's data.
A string representing the form element.

Definition at line 2163 of file

References $output, $title, and get_t().

Here is the call graph for this function:

theme_help (  ) 

Return a themed help message.

a string containing the helptext for the current page.

Definition at line 1194 of file

References menu_get_active_help().

Here is the call graph for this function:

theme_hidden ( element  ) 

Format a hidden form field.

$element An associative array containing the properties of the element. Properties used: value, edit
A themed HTML string representing the hidden form field.

Definition at line 1971 of file

References check_plain(), and drupal_attributes().

Here is the call graph for this function:

theme_image ( path,
alt = '',
title = '',
attributes = NULL,
getsize = TRUE 

Return a themed image.

$path Either the path of the image file (relative to base_path()) or a full URL.
$alt The alternative text for text-based browsers.
$title The title text is displayed when the image is hovered in some popular browsers.
$attributes Associative array of attributes to be placed in the img tag.
$getsize If set to TRUE, the image's dimension are fetched and added as width/height attributes.
A string containing the image tag.

Definition at line 1168 of file

References $attributes, $title, $type, $url, base_path(), check_plain(), check_url(), drupal_attributes(), and url().

Here is the call graph for this function:

theme_image_button ( element  ) 

Theme a form image button.

Definition at line 1942 of file

References base_path(), check_plain(), and drupal_attributes().

Here is the call graph for this function:

theme_indentation ( size = 1  ) 

Create a standard indentation div. Used for drag and drop tables.

$size Optional. The number of indentations to create.
A string containing indentations.

Definition at line 1690 of file

References $output.

theme_item ( element  ) 

Format a form item.

$element An associative array containing the properties of the element. Properties used: title, value, description, required, error
A themed HTML string representing the form item.

Definition at line 1837 of file

References theme().

Here is the call graph for this function:

theme_item_list ( items = array(),
title = NULL,
type = 'ul',
attributes = NULL 

Return a themed list of items.

$items An array of items to be displayed in the list. If an item is a string, then it is used as is. If an item is an array, then the "data" element of the array is used as the contents of the list item. If an item is an array with a "children" element, those children are displayed in a nested list. All other elements are treated as attributes of the list item element.
$title The title of the list.
$attributes The attributes applied to the list element.
$type The type of list to return (e.g. "ul", "ol")
A string containing the list output.

Definition at line 1483 of file

References $attributes, $children, $output, $title, $type, $value, and drupal_attributes().

Here is the call graph for this function:

theme_links ( links,
attributes = array('class' => 'links') 

Return a themed set of links.

$links A keyed array of links to be themed.
$attributes A keyed array of attributes
A string containing an unordered list of links.

Definition at line 1102 of file

References $attributes, $links, $output, check_plain(), drupal_attributes(), drupal_is_front_page(), and l().

Here is the call graph for this function:

theme_locale_languages_overview_form ( form  ) 

Theme the language overview form.

Definition at line 72 of file

References $header, $output, check_plain(), drupal_render(), element_child(), l(), language, language_default(), t(), and theme().

Here is the call graph for this function:

theme_mark ( type = MARK_NEW  ) 

Return a themed marker, useful for marking new or updated content.

$type Number representing the marker type to display
See also:
A string containing the marker.

Definition at line 1453 of file

References $type, and t().

Here is the call graph for this function:

theme_markup ( element  ) 

Format HTML markup for use in forms.

This is used in more advanced forms, such as theme selection and filter format.

$element An associative array containing the properties of the element. Properties used: value, children.
A themed HTML string representing the HTML markup.

Definition at line 2086 of file

theme_menu_item ( link,
menu = '',
in_active_trail = FALSE,
extra_class = NULL 

Generate the HTML output for a menu item and submenu.

Definition at line 1175 of file

theme_menu_item_link ( link  ) 

Generate the HTML output for a single menu link.

Definition at line 1153 of file

References l().

Here is the call graph for this function:

theme_menu_local_task ( link,
active = FALSE 

Generate the HTML output for a single local task link.

Definition at line 1191 of file

theme_menu_local_tasks (  ) 

Returns the rendered local tasks. The default implementation renders them as tabs.

Definition at line 1478 of file

References $output, menu_primary_local_tasks(), and menu_secondary_local_tasks().

Here is the call graph for this function:

theme_menu_overview_form ( form  ) 

Theme the menu overview form into a table.

Definition at line 170 of file

References $header, $op, $output, $row, drupal_add_tabledrag(), drupal_render(), element_children(), t(), and theme().

Here is the call graph for this function:

theme_menu_tree ( tree  ) 

Generate the HTML output for a menu tree

Definition at line 1166 of file

theme_more_help_link ( url  ) 

Returns code that emits the 'more help'-link.

Definition at line 1531 of file

References $url, check_url(), and t().

Here is the call graph for this function:

theme_more_link ( url,

Returns code that emits the 'more' link used on blocks.

$url The url of the main page
$title A descriptive verb for the link, like 'Read more'

Definition at line 1572 of file

References $title, $url, check_url(), and t().

Here is the call graph for this function:

theme_node_add_list ( content  ) 

Display the list of available node types for node creation.

Definition at line 29 of file

References $content, $output, and l().

Here is the call graph for this function:

theme_node_admin_nodes ( form  ) 

Theme node administration overview.

Definition at line 561 of file

References $header, $output, $row, drupal_render(), element_children(), t(), and theme().

Here is the call graph for this function:

theme_node_filter_form ( form  ) 

Theme node administration filter form.

Definition at line 272 of file

References $output, and drupal_render().

Here is the call graph for this function:

theme_node_filters ( form  ) 

Theme node administration filter selector.

Definition at line 286 of file

References $output, drupal_render(), element_children(), and t().

Here is the call graph for this function:

theme_node_form ( form  ) 

Present a node submission form.

Definition at line 323 of file

References $output, and drupal_render().

Here is the call graph for this function:

theme_node_preview ( node  ) 

Display a node preview for display during node creation and editing.

$node The node object which is being previewed.

Definition at line 415 of file

References $output, drupal_set_message(), and t().

Here is the call graph for this function:

theme_pager ( tags = array(),
limit = 10,
element = 0,
parameters = array(),
quantity = 9 

Format a query pager.

Menu callbacks that display paged query results should call theme('pager') to retrieve a pager control so that users can view other results. Format a list of nearby pages with additional query results.

$tags An array of labels for the controls in the pager.
$limit The number of query results to display per page.
$element An optional integer to distinguish between multiple pagers on one page.
$parameters An associative array of query string parameters to append to the pager links.
$quantity The number of pages in the list.
An HTML string that generates the query pager.

Definition at line 115 of file

References t(), and theme().

Here is the call graph for this function:

theme_pager_first ( text,
element = 0,
parameters = array() 

Format a "first page" link.

$text The name (or image) of the link.
$limit The number of query results to display per page.
$element An optional integer to distinguish between multiple pagers on one page.
$parameters An associative array of query string parameters to append to the pager links.
An HTML string that generates this piece of the query pager.

Definition at line 241 of file

References $output, pager_load_array(), and theme().

Here is the call graph for this function:

theme_pager_last ( text,
element = 0,
parameters = array() 

Format a "last page" link.

$text The name (or image) of the link.
$limit The number of query results to display per page.
$element An optional integer to distinguish between multiple pagers on one page.
$parameters An associative array of query string parameters to append to the pager links.
An HTML string that generates this piece of the query pager.

Definition at line 346 of file

References $output, pager_load_array(), and theme().

Here is the call graph for this function:

theme_pager_link ( text,
parameters = array(),
attributes = array() 

Format a link to a specific query result page.

$page_new The first result to display on the linked page.
$element An optional integer to distinguish between multiple pagers on one page.
$parameters An associative array of query string parameters to append to the pager link.
$attributes An associative array of HTML attributes to apply to a pager anchor tag.
An HTML string that generates the link.

Definition at line 375 of file

References $attributes, drupal_query_string_encode(), l(), pager_get_querystring(), pager_load_array(), and t().

Here is the call graph for this function:

theme_pager_next ( text,
element = 0,
interval = 1,
parameters = array() 

Format a "next page" link.

$text The name (or image) of the link.
$limit The number of query results to display per page.
$element An optional integer to distinguish between multiple pagers on one page.
$interval The number of pages to move forward when the link is clicked.
$parameters An associative array of query string parameters to append to the pager links.
An HTML string that generates this piece of the query pager.

Definition at line 310 of file

References $output, pager_load_array(), and theme().

Here is the call graph for this function:

theme_pager_previous ( text,
element = 0,
interval = 1,
parameters = array() 

Format a "previous page" link.

$text The name (or image) of the link.
$limit The number of query results to display per page.
$element An optional integer to distinguish between multiple pagers on one page.
$interval The number of pages to move backward when the link is clicked.
$parameters An associative array of query string parameters to append to the pager links.
An HTML string that generates this piece of the query pager.

Definition at line 271 of file

References $output, pager_load_array(), and theme().

Here is the call graph for this function:

theme_password ( element  ) 

Format a password field.

$element An associative array containing the properties of the element. Properties used: title, value, description, size, maxlength, required, attributes
A themed HTML string representing the form.

Definition at line 2101 of file

References $output, _form_set_class(), drupal_attributes(), and theme().

Here is the call graph for this function:

theme_password_confirm ( element  ) 

Format a password_confirm item.

$element An associative array containing the properties of the element. Properties used: title, value, id, required, error.
A themed HTML string representing the form item.

Definition at line 1569 of file

References theme().

Here is the call graph for this function:

theme_placeholder ( text  ) 

Formats text for emphasized display in a placeholder inside a sentence. Used automatically by t().

$text The text to format (plain-text).
The formatted text (html).

Definition at line 1059 of file

References check_plain().

Here is the call graph for this function:

theme_profile_admin_overview ( form  ) 

Theme the profile field overview into a drag and drop enabled table.

See also:

Definition at line 93 of file

References $header, $output, $row, drupal_add_css(), drupal_add_js(), drupal_add_tabledrag(), drupal_get_path(), drupal_render(), element_children(), t(), and theme().

Here is the call graph for this function:

theme_progress_bar ( percent,

Return a themed progress bar.

$percent The percentage of the progress.
$message A string containing information to be displayed.
A themed HTML string representing the progress bar.

Definition at line 1672 of file

References $output.

theme_radio ( element  ) 

Format a radio button.

$element An associative array containing the properties of the element. Properties used: required, return_value, value, attributes, title, description
A themed HTML string representing the form item group.

Definition at line 1517 of file

References $output, _form_set_class(), check_plain(), drupal_attributes(), and theme().

Here is the call graph for this function:

theme_radios ( element  ) 

Format a set of radio buttons.

$element An associative array containing the properties of the element. Properties used: title, value, options, description, required and attributes.
A themed HTML string representing the radio button set.

Definition at line 1543 of file

References theme().

Here is the call graph for this function:

theme_select ( element  ) 

Format a dropdown menu or scrolling selection box.

$element An associative array containing the properties of the element. Properties used: title, value, options, description, extra, multiple, required
A themed HTML string representing the form element.
It is possible to group options together; to do this, change the format of $options to an associative array in which the keys are group labels, and the values are associative arrays in the normal $options format.

Definition at line 1388 of file

References _form_set_class(), drupal_attributes(), form_select_options(), and theme().

Here is the call graph for this function:

theme_status_messages ( display = NULL  ) 

Return a themed set of status and/or error messages. The messages are grouped by type.

$display (optional) Set to 'status' or 'error' to display only messages of that type.
A string containing the messages.

Definition at line 1073 of file

References $messages, $output, $type, and drupal_get_messages().

Here is the call graph for this function:

theme_status_report ( &$  requirements  ) 

Theme requirements status report.

$requirements An array of requirements.

Definition at line 2031 of file

References $output.

theme_submenu ( links  ) 

Return a themed submenu, typically displayed under the tabs.

$links An array of links.

Definition at line 1206 of file

References $links.

theme_submit ( element  ) 

Theme a form submit button.

Definition at line 1916 of file

References theme().

Here is the call graph for this function:

theme_system_admin_by_module ( menu_items  ) 

Theme output of the dashboard page.

$menu_items An array of modules to be displayed.

Definition at line 1984 of file

References $output, t(), and theme().

Here is the call graph for this function:

theme_system_modules ( form  ) 

Theme callback for the modules form.

$form An associative array containing the structure of the form.

Definition at line 2068 of file

References $header, $output, $row, $status, drupal_render(), t(), and theme().

Here is the call graph for this function:

theme_system_modules_uninstall ( form  ) 

Themes a table of currently disabled modules.

$form The form array representing the currently disabled modules.
An HTML string representing the table.

Definition at line 2154 of file

References $header, $output, drupal_render(), element_children(), t(), and theme().

Here is the call graph for this function:

theme_system_theme_select_form ( form  ) 

Theme the theme select form.

$form An associative array containing the structure of the form.

Definition at line 2193 of file

References $header, $output, $row, drupal_render(), element_children(), t(), and theme().

Here is the call graph for this function:

theme_system_themes_form ( form  ) 

Theme function for the system themes form.

$form An associative array containing the structure of the form.

Definition at line 2216 of file

References $header, $output, $row, $status, drupal_render(), element_children(), t(), and theme().

Here is the call graph for this function:

theme_table ( header,
attributes = array(),
caption = NULL,
colgroups = array() 

Return a themed table.

$header An array containing the table headers. Each element of the array can be either a localized string or an associative array with the following keys:
  • "data": The localized title of the table column.
  • "field": The database field represented in the table column (required if user is to be able to sort on this column).
  • "sort": A default sort order for this column ("asc" or "desc").
  • Any HTML attributes, such as "colspan", to apply to the column header cell.
$rows An array of table rows. Every row is an array of cells, or an associative array with the following keys:
  • "data": an array of cells
  • Any HTML attributes, such as "class", to apply to the table row.
Each cell can be either a string or an associative array with the following keys:
  • "data": The string to display in the table cell.
  • "header": Indicates this cell is a header.
  • Any HTML attributes, such as "colspan", to apply to the table cell.

Here's an example for $rows:

 *   $rows = array(
 *     // Simple row
 *     array(
 *       'Cell 1', 'Cell 2', 'Cell 3'
 *     ),
 *     // Row with attributes on the row and some of its cells.
 *     array(
 *       'data' => array('Cell 1', array('data' => 'Cell 2', 'colspan' => 2)), 'class' => 'funky'
 *     )
 *   );

$attributes An array of HTML attributes to apply to the table tag.
$caption A localized string to use for the tag.
$colgroups An array of column groups. Each element of the array can be either:
  • An array of columns, each of which is an associative array of HTML attributes applied to the COL element.
  • An array of attributes applied to the COLGROUP element, which must include a "data" attribute. To add attributes to COL elements, set the "data" attribute with an array of columns, each of which is an associative array of HTML attributes. Here's an example for $colgroup:
     *   $colgroup = array(
     *     // COLGROUP with one COL element.
     *     array(
     *       array(
     *         'class' => 'funky', // Attribute for the COL element.
     *       ),
     *     ),
     *     // Colgroup with attributes and inner COL elements.
     *     array(
     *       'data' => array(
     *         array(
     *           'class' => 'funky', // Attribute for the COL element.
     *         ),
     *       ),
     *       'class' => 'jazzy', // Attribute for the COLGROUP element.
     *     ),
     *   );
    These optional tags are used to group and set properties on columns within a table. For example, one may easily group three columns and apply same background style to all.
An HTML string representing the table.

Definition at line 1283 of file

References $attributes, $header, $output, $row, $value, _theme_table_cell(), drupal_add_js(), drupal_attributes(), tablesort_cell(), tablesort_header(), and tablesort_init().

Here is the call graph for this function:

theme_table_select_header_cell (  ) 

Returns a header cell for tables that have a select all functionality.

Definition at line 1403 of file

References drupal_add_js().

Here is the call graph for this function:

theme_tablesort_indicator ( style  ) 

Return a themed sort icon.

$style Set to either asc or desc. This sets which icon to show.
A themed sort icon.

Definition at line 1417 of file

References t(), and theme().

Here is the call graph for this function:

theme_task_list ( items,
active = NULL 

Return a themed list of maintenance tasks to perform.

Definition at line 84 of file

References $output.

Referenced by install_task_list().

theme_taxonomy_overview_terms ( form  ) 

Theme the terms overview as a sortable list of terms.

See also:

Definition at line 547 of file

References $header, $output, $row, drupal_add_css(), drupal_add_js(), drupal_add_tabledrag(), drupal_get_path(), drupal_render(), element_children(), form_get_errors(), t(), and theme().

Here is the call graph for this function:

theme_taxonomy_overview_vocabularies ( form  ) 

Theme the vocabulary overview as a sortable list of vocabularies.

See also:

Definition at line 65 of file

References $header, $row, drupal_add_tabledrag(), drupal_render(), element_children(), t(), and theme().

Here is the call graph for this function:

theme_taxonomy_term_page ( tids,

Render a taxonomy term page HTML output.

$tids An array of term ids.
$result A pager_query() result, such as that performed by taxonomy_select_nodes().

Definition at line 88 of file

References $output, $result, drupal_add_css(), and drupal_get_path().

Here is the call graph for this function:

theme_textarea ( element  ) 

Format a textarea.

$element An associative array containing the properties of the element. Properties used: title, value, description, rows, cols, required, attributes
A themed HTML string representing the textarea.

Definition at line 2050 of file

References _form_set_class(), check_plain(), drupal_add_js(), drupal_attributes(), and theme().

Here is the call graph for this function:

theme_textfield ( element  ) 

Format a textfield.

$element An associative array containing the properties of the element. Properties used: title, value, description, size, maxlength, required, attributes autocomplete_path
A themed HTML string representing the textfield.

Definition at line 1995 of file

References $output, _form_set_class(), check_plain(), check_url(), drupal_add_js(), drupal_attributes(), theme(), and url().

Here is the call graph for this function:

theme_token ( element  ) 

Format a form token.

Definition at line 1980 of file

References theme().

Here is the call graph for this function:

theme_trigger_display ( element  ) 

Display actions assigned to this hook-op combination in a table.

array $element The fieldset including all assigned actions.
The rendered form with the table prepended.

Definition at line 234 of file

References $header, $output, drupal_render(), t(), and theme().

Here is the call graph for this function:

theme_update_report ( data  ) 

Theme project status report.

Definition at line 28 of file

References $header, $output, $row, $value, check_plain(), drupal_add_css(), drupal_get_path(), format_date(), format_interval(), l(), t(), theme(), and variable_get().

Here is the call graph for this function:

theme_update_version ( version,

Theme the version display of a project.

Definition at line 217 of file

References $links, $output, format_date(), l(), t(), and theme().

Here is the call graph for this function:

theme_user_admin_account ( form  ) 

Theme user administration overview.

Definition at line 712 of file

References $header, $output, drupal_render(), element_children(), t(), and theme().

Here is the call graph for this function:

theme_user_admin_new_role ( form  ) 

Theme the new-role form.

Definition at line 757 of file

References $header, $name, $output, drupal_render(), l(), t(), and theme().

Here is the call graph for this function:

theme_user_admin_perm ( form  ) 

Theme the administer permissions page.

Definition at line 577 of file

References $header, $output, $row, drupal_render(), element_children(), t(), and theme().

Here is the call graph for this function:

theme_user_filter_form ( form  ) 

Theme user administration filter form.

Definition at line 781 of file

References $output, and drupal_render().

Here is the call graph for this function:

theme_user_filters ( form  ) 

Theme user administration filter selector.

Definition at line 794 of file

References $output, drupal_render(), element_children(), and t().

Here is the call graph for this function:

theme_username ( object  ) 

Format a username.

$object The user object to format, usually returned from user_load().
A string containing an HTML link to the user's page if the passed object suggests that this is a site user. Otherwise, only the username is returned.

Definition at line 1623 of file

References $name, $output, check_plain(), drupal_strlen(), drupal_substr(), l(), name, t(), and variable_get().

Here is the call graph for this function:

theme_xml_icon ( url  ) 

Return code that emits an XML icon.

For most use cases, this function has been superseded by theme_feed_icon().

See also:
$url The url of the feed.

Definition at line 1544 of file

References $url, check_url(), t(), and theme().

Here is the call graph for this function:

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