Cwgordon7's blog - awesomeness /taxonomy/term/14/0 en Awesomeness and Drupal /awesomeness-and-drupal <p>It has recently come to my attention that I was the only one on that had <a href="">"awesomeness"</a> as an interest. My complaints on irc sparked the discussion: what does the word "awesomeness" mean? Is it even a word? And why is Drupal pure awesomeness?</p> <p>So I compiled a list of definitions of "Awesomeness" from the internet:</p> <p><a href="/awesomeness-and-drupal" target="_blank">read more</a></p> /awesomeness-and-drupal#comments awesomeness drupal Wed, 11 Jun 2008 21:50:58 +0000 cwgordon7 14 at